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Owen Harris with Brenda & John Romero and Chanel Summers at the launch of our BA

This innovative degree is the first of its kind in Ireland and the first to put Game Design at its core

There are plenty of great degrees in computing and animation that incorporate game design or development. While this is great, no degree places the emphasis on game design as a discrete, separate and important discipline.


It's about the games, stupid!
The games industry in Ireland is primarily comprised of successful companies who 'supply' the games industry with pr
oducts or services. This is changing. There is a Revolution underway!


Ireland's independant game developer industry is expanding at a massive rate. Never before have there been so many people making and selling games! You know... games... the things people actually PLAY!


We take a Build - Play - Test - Analyse- Iterate - Fail - Start again -  approach to game design.

>   Create 10's of games & systems

​>   Create board games

​>   Create role playing games

​>   Create mobile games

​>   Create console and desktop games

​>   Create experimental games

​>   Create serious games

​>   Create games for change

​>   Create your journey

Prepare to be wrong!

Apparently you can learn by making mistakes! Who would have thought that being wrong was the path to being right? So prepare to be wrong, a LOT! If you don't believe us then watch this inspiring talk by Ken Robinson who makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity.

The Games Manifesto
"The 21st Century will be the Century of the Game" -
Eric Zimmerman NYU

Previous centuries have been defined by novels and cinema. In a bold manifesto  game designer Eric Zimmerman states that this century will be defined by games.

Zimmerman's manifesto is a manifesto by gamers, about games, for the world we live in... We urge you to read




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